I Can Write These Songs, Now My Folks Are Dead
liner notes

In case anyone is concerned, my folks aren't dead. All of the songs on this album are works of fiction. That's not my folks up there on the bricks. I don't know the girls on the beach or the old women on the front cover, though I am curious how they got a picture of me in my cap and gown and why they have it on their wall.

The times next to the tracks refers to the time when I hit "save" for the first time on the file after I recorded it, so it's a rough estimation of when I finished each song. I set up two mics, one for my singing and one for my acoustic guitar, and adlibbed sixteen songs in a row (the next day putting the minor overdubs on those basic tracks). One of them I didn't feel like putting on here, but I liked the rest of them. (Update: after the album was released, I deleted yet another track I no longer wanted anyone to hear.)

This album is made to be listened to at night in the dark, possibly with headphones. Please accept my apologies and also my love.

--Rusty W. Spell, PhD

Copyright (c) Mar 2003 - Jan 2025 by Rusty Spell and Love and Letters Music